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Client Spotlight:

Metroplaces | YouTube Influencer Marketing

Effectiveness of partnering with authentic, relatable influencers


MetroPlaces, a real estate development company, sought to showcase the unique lagoon lifestyle of their Epperson community. To effectively reach their target audience and generate interest in the community, they sought the assistance of a marketing agency to develop an influencer marketing campaign.


The primary objective was to introduce the Epperson community to potential homebuyers within the target demographic by partnering with YouTube travel influencers and newlyweds Griff and Alyssa. The goal was to document their experience and share the community's offerings with their extensive social media following authentically and engagingly.

What We Did - Our Campaign Execution

The influencer marketing campaign strategically leveraged the popularity of long-form video content and the trust that authentic online personalities command. By partnering with YouTube influencers Griff and Alyssa, who matched the target demographic, the campaign aimed to create engaging content about the Epperson community.

The campaign featured a multi-day tour of Epperson, with the influencers exploring new homes and the 7-acre lagoon. Their experiences were captured through videos and photos, which were shared with their 50,000+ followers, providing both informative and entertaining content.

Multiple calls to action were integrated into the campaign, encouraging viewers to engage further by liking, commenting, and sharing the videos, visiting the Epperson website, and downloading a special Lagoon Living guide. The campaign also included targeted Facebook and Instagram ads to promote the video series and drive traffic to the guide, enhancing engagement with potential prospects.

Campaign Videos

Impactful Results

Over four months, the Lagoon influencer video successfully promoted the Epperson community. The video garnered over 11,000 views across various platforms and referred nearly 500 interested individuals to the Epperson website to download the Lagoon Life guide.

The video content was repurposed into short segments for a 2-month Facebook lead generation ad campaign, which generated over 350 combined leads. The video continues to be viewed on Griff and Alyssa's YouTube channel, the Epperson website, and the Metro Places YouTube channel.

  • 11k+ video views
  • 287 link clicks to
  • 4.4% click-through rate
  • 4.7k unique views
  • Facebook Ads generated 378 leads
  • YouTube referrals resulted in 481 landing page views


The MetroPlaces influencer marketing campaign demonstrates the effectiveness of partnering with authentic, relatable influencers to showcase a unique lifestyle and generate interest in real estate development. By leveraging the reach and engagement of YouTube influencers Griff and Alyssa, the campaign successfully introduced the Epperson community to a wider audience and generated many leads.

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