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Client Spotlight:

Winkler, Treger & Associates | Strat-CAT

Rebranding for Growth and Successful Acquisition


Winkler, Treger & Associates | Strat-CAT Solutions (WTA/SCS), a mid-level claims provider, struggled with brand confusion due to separate brand names. This limited their range of services and hindered their ability to connect with top national insurance companies like Zurich and Nationwide. To compete with industry leaders such as Pilot and B&H, the company needed to unify its brand and differentiate itself in the market.


The primary objective was to grow the company by reimagining its market positioning while reinforcing its values, culture, and work ethic. The rebranding project aimed to create a unified brand that highlighted the company's unique qualities in the industry and reduced its over-reliance on referrals and word-of-mouth marketing. What We Did - Our Campaign Execution:

What We Did - Our Campaign Execution

A key aspect of our work was creating a communications deck before designing the logos. We focused on the "why" behind the company's actions to frame the "how" and "what." The competitive advantages presented in this deck became one of the most value-driven items, with the client stating that the phrase "Buy Back Your Time" alone was worth the total expense of working with us.

Campaign Videos

Impactful Results

The comprehensive rebranding effort successfully unified Winkler, Treger & Associates | Strat-CAT Solutions under a single, powerful brand identity. The new brand positioning and messaging resonated with the target audience, leading to increased brand recognition and engagement. The company experienced a significant increase in leads generated through its new website and digital marketing efforts, reducing its reliance on referrals and word-of-mouth marketing. The rebranding positioned the company for growth, enabling them to compete more effectively with industry leaders and attract top-national insurance companies as clients.

Most notably, the success of the rebranding caught the attention of potential buyers. The strong brand identity and the company's improved market positioning and growth potential made Winkler, Treger & Associates | Strat-CAT Solutions an attractive acquisition target. As a result, the company was successfully sold, providing a significant return on investment for the owners and stakeholders.


The rebranding of Winkler, Treger & Associates | Strat-CAT Solutions showcases the transformative power of a well-executed brand strategy. By unifying the company under a single, compelling brand identity and positioning it for growth, we drove increased leads and customer engagement and enhanced the company's overall value and appeal to potential buyers.

The company's successful acquisition stands as a testament to the tangible, far-reaching impact that a comprehensive rebranding effort can have on a business. It demonstrates that investing in brand development is not just about short-term gains but also about creating long-term value and positioning a company for successful exit strategies.

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